Inverse Psoriasis
This condition has the same rush as usual psoriasis, but the difference is that rush in this case appears not on exposed parts of the body. You can find rashes in skin folds. These areas include the groin, armpits, under the breasts, around genitals, under the buttocks and along the waist. Because of high wetness and permanent friction of these areas rashes can cause exhausting itching and pain. Inverse psoriasis often happens in people who have excess weight. Sometimes inverse psoriasis associated with stress, arthritis, colitis, using remedies like beta-blockers and antidepressants.
Some people have inverse psoriasis which affects only area around genitals. On another parts of their body rashes are very mild and can look like dandruff or dry skin.
Inverse psoriasis can be misdiagnosed because signs of this disease are common with one of the form of fungal skin infection candida interrigo. But skilled doctor can verify disease without any difficulties. Sometimes these two conditions can be combined together, because affected areas are receptive to different infections including fungal.
Treatment of inversed psoriasis has to be complex and include topical agents, systemic agents and phototherapy.
Topical agents
Topical agents as a different moisturizers and bath solutions, mineral oils have to help to reduce skin dryness. Under supervision of the dermatologists can be used topical corticosteroids in ointments and liniments. But overuse of these remedies sometimes can cause local changes as a skin tinning and can increase a risk of viral infection, skin cancer or lymphoma. Other medications what can be used topically are vitamin D3 analogues, fluocinonide and retinoids.
Systemic agents
There are three main systemic agents are methotrexate, cyclosporine and retinoids.
Retinods are synthetic forms of retinol (vitamin A). Methotrexate andcyclosporine are immunodepressiev drugs. All these remedies have to be used under dermatologist supervising because of many side effects, by the way, they are very effective in severe cases of inverse psoriasis.
Phototherapy is a treatment of inverse psoriasis with using of UV-A or UV-B light waves. UV-A can be combined with Psoralen, this method is called Psoralen and ultraviolet A therapy (PUVA).
Inside Psoriasis
Psoriasis is a well-known skin disease. The scientist still cannot say for sure why it appears. The most of them are tending to accept the theory that it is caused because of the problems of immune system. It is very important to get inside the psoriasis to understand the problem and find right treatment for the effective cure. It is a malady during which the cells of the skin start to increase in number very quickly. As a result of these processes there appear a lot of red flakes, which can appear over all the body. The cells start to build up on the surface of the skin. In most cases it causes a terrible itching and discomfort. For the ill person it is a real disaster. It takes place, because of the chemical processes, which take place in the body and send a special signal to the brain. It is very necessary for the person to relieve these symptoms. The easiest cure in this situation is just to put a wet towel on the itching area. It is also necessary to use some additional treatments like oils and lotions. If a person doesn’t suffer with psoriasis, her or his body very quickly gets rid from the layer of the dead skin cells. But this process is very slow in the body, which has this disease. It is not infectious illness, that’s why it is not dangerous to be close with a person, which suffers with this disease. Inside psoriasis has many symptoms. The main of them is that fact that psoriasis appears on such parts of the body as knees, elbows and sometimes on the groin. But can also to involve the other parts of the body.Inside psoriasis strikes more than 125 millions of the people all over the world. That’s why it is easy to say that it is a widely spread disease. Many countries invest money to the research of this problem.
Though this disease has been known for a long time, there is still no treatment, which could cure this illness completely. Nevertheless there are a lot of inside psoriasis treatments, which are able to control and relieve the symptoms of psoriasis. It is very important to use them all the time to prevent the physical and moral suffering, because much people are ashamed of their appearance. Except the natural treatment there are a big choice of different pills and other medicines, which can be applied in this situation. They help to reduce the growth of the cells on the skin surface. But they require a big caution. Such pills or liquids cause a lot of side effects. That’s why afflicted person must consult the doctor before using the inside psoriasis remedies.

Psoriasis arthritis is an autoimmune illness, which means that your own cells and antisubstances (it is a part of human immune system) assault your tissues. It is very rare happens that person has a psoriasis arthritis without having a usual psoriasis.
Dermatologists says that the severer psoriasis you have the more chances to have a psoriasis arthritis.
It is a well-known fact that 2.5 percents of white people who live in the United States of America are infected with psoriasis. African-Americans and Native-Americans are less subjected to this disease. Almost 15 per cents of those who suffer from psoriasis suffer from psoriasis arthritis as well. The National Psoriasis Foundation promulgates a fact that one per cent of all people from the United States are ill with psoriasis arthritis. It happens that many people who have psoriasis do not know about the fact that they have psoriasis arthritis. In many cases it is very difficult to diagnose psoriasis arthritis in those patients who have psoriasis for many years before it. In other cases it happens that patients could have arthritis for 15 years before they got psoriasis. And it also can be that person can have psoriasis for 15 years, before arthritis appears, and this will lead to the final disease – psoriasis arthritis.
Psoriasis arthritis touches in a similar way men and women. Among all patients with psoriasis arthritis, it is more expected that men will have a form that spine will be touched, and in case women will suffer from it, it is likely can happen that joints will be affected. In most cases people who have psoriasis arthritis are between 35-55 years old. But any way people of all age groups can get this disease.
Scientists still can not find the answer on the questions what are the causes of psoriatic arthritis. It can be a mix of imbalance of the immune systems, environmental and genetic factors.
For around 40 per cents of those people who have psoriasis or psoriasis arthritis have parents or close relatives who have the same illness. In some cases the appearance of psoriasis can be connected with infections.
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