Psoriasis Treatment

It is always necessary to consult a doctor, who will help with the treatment for psoriasis. Most of them converge on the idea that the best cure is natural. Such treatment for this disease includes several stages. First of all it is necessary to clean the body from harmful toxins. It will be effective not only for psoriasis treatment, but also for the other illnesses. There exist many methods for it. The easiest way for the intoxication is a drinking of juices. It is also a very fast method, because the results can be already seen less than in one month. It is better to use fresh juices, avoiding the juices from the supermarkets. Such juice contains a lot of natural ingredients, which will be necessary during the cure for psoriasis. The main role among all juices plays the lemonade one. It cleans the body very quickly and safe. Some doctors even recommend the lemonade diet during the treatment for psoriasis. And of course it will be better to pay attention to the everyday meal of the person who is suffering from psoriasis. Healthy food will also bring positive results and the effect of psoriasis treatment will be seen very fast.
Another step to the recovery is the constant using of the minerals. Many people have a big lack of minerals in their bodies. The main one is called Omega-3 fatty acid. It is very useful not only during the psoriasis cure, but also during other chronic diseases. This mineral can be found in fish and fish oils. It is also very easy and cheap remedy, because it can be bought in every shop or drug store.
The effective result during the treatment for psoriasis will be achieved with using also special creams and the other cosmetic products. This cure is also very popular among people, who suffer with this remedy. Their using is very simple. Much attention must be paid to their ingredients. The most efficient products must contain salicylic acid.
Much attention must be paid to that fact that not all treatments for psoriasis will work in the same way for all people. That’s why treatment must be individual for every person.
Psoriasis Symptoms
There are several forms of psoriasis and even people suffering from the same form may have different symptoms. Scaling spots, raised and rough plaques of red colour on skin with or without silvery white scales on them and nails with pits and ridges are the most common psoriasis symptoms. A person suffering from this condition may experience itching or burning, which sometimes may turn into soreness if the dry skin starts to crack and to bleed. One more symptom may be swollen joints, since psoriasis may trigger arthritis.Depending on the type and severity of the condition the symptoms may vary from several scaling or red spots to serious health problems, such as lesions covering vast part of a body, pain and secondary skin infections.
Generally, psoriasis is a chronic disease, though the all the visible psoriasis symptoms may disappear for some time. As a rule, lesions grow for several weeks and then they stabilize for some time. After that they can start becoming become smaller and smaller or even vanish. But it does not necessarily mean total remission.
The types of psoriasis are:
- plaque psoriasis
- nail psoriasis
- scalp psoriasis
- guttate psoriasis
- inverse psoriasis
- pustular psoriasis
- erythrodermic psoriasis
- psoriatic arthritis
- Plaque psoriasis symptoms are red rough plaques that are generally scaly. The plaques may appear on various parts of a body, though the most common locations are knees, elbows and trunk. Sometimes the lesions may be found on genitals, between or under breasts or buttocks and on scalp. Generally, the plaques are itchy or even painful if the skin is too dry and when it cracks.
- Pitted, ridged nails may be one of the nail psoriasis symptoms. In this case fingernails and toenails may lose their colour and look unhealthy. Separation of a nail from the nail bed and nail crumbling may also take place.
- Some cases of excessive dandruff accompanied by intense itching and patches of flaky skin are scalp psoriasis symptoms. Red scaly spots may appear on scalp.
- Red or pink droplike spots on skin are the symptoms of guttate psoriasis, which is a condition that may be triggered by strep throat or some upper respiratory infections. This disease is uncommon among those, who are more than thirty years old. The drop-shaped spots may affect any part of a body, including legs, arms, trunk and even scalp. This condition may be cured; however, sometimes it develops into a lifetime disease.
- Red patches in such areas as genitals and armpits are typical inverse psoriasis symptoms. Such patches also appear between or under breasts or in some other places that may be sweating. Overweight people are more predisposed to this disease.
- Itchy red patches with puss-filled blisters that appear in various body parts, including hands and feet in combination with fever and fatigue may be pustular psoriasis symptoms. The disease develops very quickly and the blisters may grow and temporarily disappear, but then they occur again and again. This type of psoriasis is quite rare.
- One more type of psoriasis that may be caused by severe sunburn or some medicines, including corticosteroids, is called erythrodermic psoriasis. It is a rarest type of this disease. Erythrodermic psoriasis symptoms are big red scaly lesions, covering a person’s entire body. The lesions are generally extremely itchy.
- 8. The symptoms of psoriatic arthritis are similar to those of plaque and nail psoriasis symptoms. However, conjunctivitis and painful and swollen joints are what differs this type of psoriasis from all the others. Any joint may be affected by this condition. Although psoriatic arthritis is thought to be not as serious as other forms of arthritis, it may lead to quite severe joint damage, depending on the difficulty of the case. Stiffness, inflammation and even permanent deformity may be the consequences of this condition.