Thursday, June 14, 2012

Psoriasis Treatment and Psoriasis Symptoms

Psoriasis Treatment

Lately, psoriasis is a very prevalent disease of the skin. Though this problem has been known many years ago, it is still impossible to find the reasons of its appearance. In most cases scientists are tending to think that psoriasis is caused because of the problems of immune system. This malady brings a lot of problems for people. So, that’s why it must be treated.
It is always necessary to consult a doctor, who will help with the treatment for psoriasis. Most of them converge on the idea that the best cure is natural. Such treatment for this disease includes several stages. First of all it is necessary to clean the body from harmful toxins. It will be effective not only for psoriasis treatment, but also for the other illnesses. There exist many methods for it. The easiest way for the intoxication is a drinking of juices. It is also a very fast method, because the results can be already seen less than in one month. It is better to use fresh juices, avoiding the juices from the supermarkets. Such juice contains a lot of natural ingredients, which will be necessary during the cure for psoriasis. The main role among all juices plays the lemonade one. It cleans the body very quickly and safe. Some doctors even recommend the lemonade diet during the treatment for psoriasis. And of course it will be better to pay attention to the everyday meal of the person who is suffering from psoriasis. Healthy food will also bring positive results and the effect of psoriasis treatment will be seen very fast.
Another step to the recovery is the constant using of the minerals. Many people have a big lack of minerals in their bodies. The main one is called Omega-3 fatty acid. It is very useful not only during the psoriasis cure, but also during other chronic diseases. This mineral can be found in fish and fish oils. It is also very easy and cheap remedy, because it can be bought in every shop or drug store.
The effective result during the treatment for psoriasis will be achieved with using also special creams and the other cosmetic products. This cure is also very popular among people, who suffer with this remedy. Their using is very simple. Much attention must be paid to their ingredients. The most efficient products must contain salicylic acid.
Much attention must be paid to that fact that not all treatments for psoriasis will work in the same way for all people. That’s why treatment must be individual for every person.

Psoriasis Symptoms

There are several forms of psoriasis and even people suffering from the same form may have different symptoms. Scaling spots, raised and rough plaques of red colour on skin with or without silvery white scales on them and nails with pits and ridges are the most common psoriasis symptoms. A person suffering from this condition may experience itching or burning, which sometimes may turn into soreness if the dry skin starts to crack and to bleed. One more symptom may be swollen joints, since psoriasis may trigger arthritis.
Depending on the type and severity of the condition the symptoms may vary from several scaling or red spots to serious health problems, such as lesions covering vast part of a body, pain and secondary skin infections.
Generally, psoriasis is a chronic disease, though the all the visible psoriasis symptoms may disappear for some time. As a rule, lesions grow for several weeks and then they stabilize for some time. After that they can start becoming become smaller and smaller or even vanish. But it does not necessarily mean total remission.
The types of psoriasis are:

  1. Plaque psoriasis symptoms are red rough plaques that are generally scaly. The plaques may appear on various parts of a body, though the most common locations are knees, elbows and trunk. Sometimes the lesions may be found on genitals, between or under breasts or buttocks and on scalp. Generally, the plaques are itchy or even painful if the skin is too dry and when it cracks.
  2. Pitted, ridged nails may be one of the nail psoriasis symptoms. In this case fingernails and toenails may lose their colour and look unhealthy. Separation of a nail from the nail bed and nail crumbling may also take place.
  3. Some cases of excessive dandruff accompanied by intense itching and patches of flaky skin are scalp psoriasis symptoms. Red scaly spots may appear on scalp.
  4. Red or pink droplike spots on skin are the symptoms of guttate psoriasis, which is a condition that may be triggered by strep throat or some upper respiratory infections.  This disease is uncommon among those, who are more than thirty years old. The drop-shaped spots may affect any part of a body, including legs, arms, trunk and even scalp. This condition may be cured; however, sometimes it develops into a lifetime disease.
  5. Red patches in such areas as genitals and armpits are typical inverse psoriasis symptoms. Such patches also appear between or under breasts or in some other places that may be sweating. Overweight people are more predisposed to this disease.
  6. Itchy red patches with puss-filled blisters that appear in various body parts, including hands and feet in combination with fever and fatigue may be pustular psoriasis symptoms. The disease develops very quickly and the blisters may grow and temporarily disappear, but then they occur again and again. This type of psoriasis is quite rare.
  7. One more type of psoriasis that may be caused by severe sunburn or some medicines, including corticosteroids, is called erythrodermic psoriasis. It is a rarest type of this disease. Erythrodermic psoriasis symptoms are big red scaly lesions, covering a person’s entire body. The lesions are generally extremely itchy.
  8. 8.  The symptoms of psoriatic arthritis are similar to those of plaque and nail psoriasis symptoms. However, conjunctivitis  and painful and swollen joints are what differs this type of psoriasis from all the others. Any joint may be affected by this condition. Although psoriatic arthritis is thought to be not as serious as other forms of arthritis, it may lead to quite severe joint damage, depending on the difficulty of the case. Stiffness, inflammation and even permanent deformity may be the consequences of this condition.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Is Psoriasis Contagious?

Is Psoriasis Contagious?

Everyone who has seen the consequences of this disease would probably like to know is psoriasis contagious or not. Fortunately psoriasis is neither contagious nor infectious.
According to surveys several millions of people in the USA are diagnosed with psoriasis annually. This disease is connected with false responses of immune system and appears on skin. Being chronic disease psoriasis may be observed during the whole lifetime.
In case of healthy human body new skin is being produced constantly. This process usually takes some thirty days. The old skin cells gradually disappear and being substituted by the new ones. The new cells are generated in the lower layers of skin and by the time they reach surface the old cells will gradually disappear.
But if the person is ill with psoriasis the immune system may mistake the skin cells as viral or pathogenic. Miscellaneous external factors may aggravate psoriasis as well. These may include strep throat, emotional exhaustion, diabetes, depression etc. In this case the new skin cells are produced much more rapidly than average. As the old ones don’t have enough time to die out a kind of collision may be observed.  The new cells reach the upper skin layers while the old ones still function there. Such rapid growth cycle is caused by the false immune responses of body.
As a result red or white scaly skin patterns appear. Psoriasis is developed inside of body and in general it is not connected with any viral organisms. Thus the answer to the question “Is psoriasis contagious?” will be definitely “no”.
However if the disease was triggered by some kind of infection this infection itself may happen to be contagious. Thus being not contagious, psoriasis triggers can pass on from its carrier to other people.
In any way the main problem doesn’t deal with the fact is psoriasis contagious or not. It is the question of disease consequences that really matters. Being quite an annoying and troublesome disorder, psoriasis can cause a lot of problems. Actually its effects character is much the same as that of the other chronic diseases like asthma, hepatitis, congestive heart failure etc. Of course it is a matter of extent and severity. Patients may experience considerable discomfort caused by constant itch or pain. This may become a formidable obstacle preventing people from successful communication, work, enjoying leisure activities and even self-care.
Such facts will naturally provoke ideas among people. For instance, now that we have found out an answer to the question “Is psoriasis contagious?” another question appears: “How can we deal with psoriasis?” In general it is claimed that psoriasis is an incurable disease. However its severity can be reduced greatly with the help of certain remedies. It is also believed that herbal medicine can help to reduce the most troublemaking symptoms. Also various diets focused on abundant use of fresh fruits and vegetables together with vitamins and minerals and restriction of proteins are considered to be quite helpful nowadays. On the other hand some people believe in the possibility of complete recovery.
In any way only a professional medical service should be taken into account while dealing with psoriasis.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Scalp Psoriasis

Scalp Psoriasis

Scalp Psoriasis There are many different types of psoriasis, but the most common among them is plaque psoriasis. This type you can find all over the body, but when it is situated on the head it is called “scalp psoriasis”.
Scalp psoriasis is common among, for about, 50 per cents of people who have this illness. They have at least one outbreak on the head.
Psoriasis can spring up on any area of the head. It can overlay all area of the scalp, and even part of the neck, forehead and over the ears or it can be small area, and there is no problem to hide it with the hair.

The influence of Scalp Psoriasis

String flaking-off and peeling can make problems for the people who like to wear black and dark cloths. Because of this effect people can feel uncomfortable and even be dispirited.
Exorbitant combing can become a reason for the hair loss in some cases, but it is not an obligatory circumstances. In spite of this fact many people are afraid to lose their hair because of the scalp psoriasis.

Diagnostication of Scalp Psoriasis

Diagnosing of scalp psoriasis, by distinguish it from other reasons of exfoliation can be provided by the couple of ways. The first one is a physical way; doctor will search for another development of psoriases on the body and nails. And the second way, dermatologist will simply make a test (skin biopsy) to find out the diagnosis.
In worst case patients will feel a huge discomfort because of itching inflamed wounds and raised injuries on the scalp, which will peel like scurf, and will make person feel dispirited and depressed. But in the best case manifestations of the scalp psoriasis can be almost imperceptible or imperceptible at all.
For about 7.5 millions of The United States citizens suffer from the psoriasis, and around half of these people have scalp psoriasis. It is a persistent disease, and it has interim outbreaks which transpose with remission periods, or with less active states.

Scalp Psoriasis Treatment

There are some kinds of scalp psoriasis treatment. Patients can be prescribed special medications which can help in the fight against it, but patient also can use several types of natural medicine. Everything depends on the development level of the illness.
It exist a lot of different medicines which can help in scalp psoriasis treatment, but patient should be careful in taking such decisions. Pharmaceutical chemists can advice the medications but it always better to talk with the personal dermatologists before taking drugs. Doctor can prescribe you antiphlogistic ointment. It should help to decrease inflammation and itching.
You should wash your hair regularly and only with the special shampoos which are prescribed for people who have scalp psoriasis. You should not forget that to have better results your treatment should be extended for longer time.
Shampoos which have pitches in its composition help to clear the scalp from peeling.
After washing hair with such shampoo it would be also good to use a lotion with cortisone in its formula.
It is also helpful to use other ways of scalp psoriasis treatment, like natural products and volatile oils. For example, a good recipe is to brew a chamomile and swill out hair with its cool tincture.
It is also good to treat scalp with the oil of neem, lavender and eucalyptus. Lavender has a assuage function and helps hair to grow and neem oil will help to remove an itch.
A good way to heal scalp psoriasis is to spend 30 minutes under the ultraviolet B light. In case the rays of it will achieve the skin it will expedite a treatment.
There are a lot of types of scalp psoriasis treatment, but you should take those which match you the most. Just remember that hair hygiene an initial method of getting good results of treatment.
If it does not help you should visit your dermatologist.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Inverse | Inside Psoriasis | Psoriasis Arthritis

Inverse Psoriasis

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease, which affects mostly skin. Sometimes psoriasis can alter joints. There are many types of psoriasis. In this article you will read about uncommon type of this disease inverse psoriasis.
This condition has the same rush as usual psoriasis, but the difference is that rush in this case appears not on exposed parts of the body. You can find rashes in skin folds. These areas include the groin, armpits, under the breasts, around genitals, under the buttocks and along the waist. Because of high wetness and permanent friction of these areas rashes can cause exhausting itching and pain. Inverse psoriasis often happens in people who have excess weight. Sometimes inverse psoriasis associated with stress, arthritis, colitis, using remedies like beta-blockers and antidepressants.
Some people have inverse psoriasis which affects only area around genitals. On another parts of their body rashes are very mild and can look like dandruff or dry skin.
Inverse psoriasis can be misdiagnosed because signs of this disease are common with one of the form of fungal skin infection candida interrigo. But skilled doctor can verify disease without any difficulties. Sometimes these two conditions can be combined together, because affected areas are receptive to different infections including fungal.
Treatment of inversed psoriasis has to be complex and include topical agents, systemic agents and phototherapy.
Topical  agents
Topical agents as a different moisturizers and bath solutions, mineral oils have to help to reduce skin dryness. Under supervision of the dermatologists can be used topical corticosteroids in ointments and liniments. But overuse of these remedies sometimes can cause local changes as a skin tinning and can increase a risk of viral infection, skin cancer or lymphoma. Other medications what can be used topically are vitamin D3 analogues, fluocinonide and retinoids.
Systemic agents
There are three main systemic agents are methotrexate, cyclosporine and retinoids.
Retinods are synthetic forms of retinol (vitamin A). Methotrexate andcyclosporine are immunodepressiev drugs. All these remedies have to be used under dermatologist supervising because of many side effects, by the way, they are very effective in severe cases of inverse psoriasis.
Phototherapy is a treatment of inverse psoriasis with using of UV-A or UV-B light waves. UV-A can be combined with Psoralen, this method is called Psoralen and ultraviolet A therapy (PUVA).

Inside Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a well-known skin disease. The scientist still cannot say for sure why it appears. The most of them are tending to accept the theory that it is caused because of the problems of immune system. It is very important to get inside the psoriasis to understand the problem and find right treatment for the effective cure. It is a malady during which the cells of the skin start to increase in number very quickly. As a result of these processes there appear a lot of red flakes, which can appear over all the body. The cells start to build up on the surface of the skin. In most cases it causes a terrible itching and discomfort. For the ill person it is a real disaster. It takes place, because of the chemical processes, which take place in the body and send a special signal to the brain. It is very necessary for the person to relieve these symptoms. The easiest cure in this situation is just to put a wet towel on the itching area. It is also necessary to use some additional treatments like oils and lotions. If a person doesn’t suffer with psoriasis, her or his body very quickly gets rid from the layer of the dead skin cells. But this process is very slow in the body, which has this disease. It is not infectious illness, that’s why it is not dangerous to be close with a person, which suffers with this disease. Inside psoriasis has many symptoms. The main of them is that fact that psoriasis appears on such parts of the body as knees, elbows and sometimes on the groin. But can also to involve the other parts of the body.
Inside psoriasis strikes more than 125 millions of the people all over the world. That’s why it is easy to say that it is a widely spread disease. Many countries invest money to the research of this problem.
Though this disease has been known for a long time, there is still no treatment, which could cure this illness completely. Nevertheless there are a lot of inside psoriasis treatments, which are able to control and relieve the symptoms of psoriasis. It is very important to use them all the time to prevent the physical and moral suffering, because much people are ashamed of their appearance.  Except the natural treatment there are a big choice of different pills and other medicines, which can be applied in this situation. They help to reduce the growth of the cells on the skin surface. But they require a big caution. Such pills or liquids cause a lot of side effects. That’s why afflicted person must consult the doctor before using the inside psoriasis remedies.

Psoriasis Arthritis

Psoriasis arthritis happens when person is infected with psoriasis and related arthritis at the same time. Psoriasis is aт illness when person has areas of inflamed red skin with peeling. Skin can look different, it depends on the type of psoriasis person has. Arthritis is an inflammation of joints. Psoriasis arthritis is a peculiar sort of a hostile and destructive arthritis.
Psoriasis arthritis is an autoimmune illness, which means that your own cells and antisubstances (it is a part of human immune system) assault your tissues. It is very rare happens that person has a psoriasis arthritis without having a usual psoriasis.
Dermatologists says that the severer psoriasis you have the more chances to have a psoriasis arthritis.
It is a well-known fact that 2.5 percents of white people who live in the United States of America are infected with psoriasis. African-Americans and Native-Americans are less subjected to this disease. Almost 15 per cents of those who suffer from psoriasis suffer from psoriasis arthritis as well. The National Psoriasis Foundation promulgates a fact that one per cent of all people from the United States are ill with psoriasis arthritis. It happens that many people who have psoriasis do not know about the fact that they have psoriasis arthritis. In many cases it is very difficult to diagnose psoriasis arthritis in those patients who have psoriasis for many years before it. In other cases it happens that patients could have arthritis for 15 years before they got psoriasis. And it also can be that person can have psoriasis for 15 years, before arthritis appears, and this will lead to the final disease – psoriasis arthritis.
Psoriasis arthritis touches in a similar way men and women. Among all patients with psoriasis arthritis, it is more expected that men will have a form that spine will be touched, and in case women will suffer from it, it is likely can happen that joints will be affected. In most cases people who have psoriasis arthritis are between 35-55 years old. But any way people of all age groups can get this disease.
Scientists still can not find the answer on the questions what are the causes of psoriatic arthritis. It can be a mix of imbalance of the immune systems, environmental and genetic factors.
For around 40 per cents of those people who have psoriasis or psoriasis arthritis have parents or close relatives who have the same illness. In some cases the appearance of psoriasis can be connected with infections.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Plaque Psoriasis | Guttate | Pustular Psoriasis

Plaque Psoriasis

There are several types of psoriasis, though the most wide-spread one is plaque psoriasis, which is also known as psoriasis vulgaris or common psoriasis. Such symptoms as patches of red, raised, scaly areas on skin are typical of this disease. The patches first appear as red bumps, but then they become thicker and form silvery white scales on the top. Such skin lesions generally tend to appear on both sides of body parts at the same time, for example, on both knees or both elbows. However, such locations as trunk or scalp may also be affected.
The lesions may be of different size, sometimes even a big part of the body may be covered with them. Plaque psoriasis patches may cause burning sensation, may be itchy or even slightly painful, especially when cracking. They may grow bigger or become smaller and usually have chronic character.
As it has been mentioned before, the patches with clear-cut borders generally affect such locations as knees and elbows, trunk and scalp. Sometimes they may appear on a forehead, ears and hair line, especially if the scalp is affected.
Plaque psoriasis patches may differ in size, shape and even colour. This depends on their location, because skin thickness may vary on different body parts. For example, the plaques on legs can have blue tint, whereas those on palms can be quite pale, though very scaly.
Scaling generally depends on the fact if a plaque is well-moisturized. For instance, if an armpit is affected, the plaque there may be not scaling at all, though it will be red in colour and have a clear-cut edge.
This variety of psoriasis (plaque psoriasis) is the most common one and up to 9 out of 10 people, having psoriasis suffer from this very form. These people typically have their knees and elbows, trunk and scalp affected. Almost all of them are grown-ups.
The most important problem that people with psoriasis face is not only physical discomfort that the lesions cause, since sometimes they may not be itchy or painful at all. The non-aesthetic look of the plaques is also a reason for suffering.

Plaque psoriasis is called so because of the shape of the patches, since in most cases they are of round or oval shape. Even if lesions have irregular shape, these areas are always elevated and can easily be told from healthy skin. The growth of every lesion may take from several days to several weeks. The patches may affect a vast part of a body, especially when they start joining and forming bigger lesions.
After the growth of the patches has reached its peak they might start to become smaller and less distinctive and finally completely disappear. But between the periods of growth and reduction there may be a period of stabilization, which also takes some time.
The most important thing about treating plaque psoriasis patches and avoiding scaliness is keeping these raised and rough areas well-moisturized all the time. There are many special creams that have been formulated specially for people with this condition. Moisturizing the skin even after a lesion has disappeared is the issue of great concern for all the people with plaque psoriasis, since the skin in this area may not have totally healed and can develop a new scaly patch very quickly.

Guttate Psoriasis

Guttate Psoriasis
One of the forms of psoriasis, though one of the most uncommon ones is guttate psoriasis, the name of which deriv
es from a Latin word “gutta meaning “drop”. It can be characterized by little droplike papules on skin that are red
in colour. There droplike spots may appear on various body parts, including trunk, legs and arms.
This disease in not contagious and it cannot be transmitted from one person to another. Guttate psoriasis is said to be triggered by a previous streptococcal infection. The disease develops quite quickly and is more common of those, who are under their forties. It seems to be an inherited disease, which develops as an inflammatory response of a body that has mistaken its own cells for an infection.
Though streptococcal infection is the most common thing to trigger this condition, there may be some other causes of guttate psoriasis, such as various infections, some medicines, skin injuries (burns, cuts and bites), stress or alcohol abuse.
People that undergo cancer chemotherapy or those with AIDS or other autoimmune disorders (for example, rheumatoid arthritis) form the risk group for this disease.

The droplike spots of red or pink colour that appear on legs, arms and trunk and sometimes on some other body parts may be the symptom of guttate psoriasis. These spots are usually scaly and may be itchy.
When examining a person’s skin a doctor should always pay attention to the shape of these spots and their colour. One more important fact is whether this person has recently had streptococcal infection. After the examining a patient such tests as throat culture and skin biopsy are generally done. These tests are necessary for the confirmation of the diagnosis.
When the diagnosis has been confirmed it’s time to start treatment, which can take place at home or in hospital, depending on the difficulty of the case. As a rule, guttate psoriasis treatment is focused on reduction of symptoms, treatment of current infection, if there is one, as well as preventing secondary infections. The most widely prescribed medicines to control the symptoms are cortisone, which helps to reduce itch and inflammation, vitamin A and vitamin D. Moisturizers, anti-dandruff shampoos and lotions with coal tar can also help to improve the state of skin. If there is a recent infection, some antibiotics can be prescribed.
Corticosteroids, cyclosporine, and methotrexate may be prescribed if there is a severe case of guttate psoriasis. The aim of these medicines is to suppress the immune response.
There are some other ways of treating this condition, such as sunbathing, which can help to reduce the symptoms, and phototherapy. What these two ways of treatment have in common is ultraviolet, to which a patient’s skin is exposed. Those whose skin is not sensitive enough to ultraviolet might have to take special medicine.

There is a possibility that guttate psoriasis might develop into a chronic disease or even into plaque psoriasis. There might also be some complications, such as itching or pain and secondary infections. But if the disease is treated correctly, a person may be totally cured.
The earlier the disease is diagnosed, the easier it is to cure, that is why it is if high importance for a person who has such symptoms to contact a doctor as soon as possible.

Pustular Psoriasis

Pustular Psoriasis
If you are a person under the age of fifty you are rather lucky because this uncommon type of psoriasis (pustular psoriasis) is more common for elder people. The other very rare cases of this disease which can be found between children aged two-ten years. Of course it is not the law for the pustular psoriasis and it can affect all races and all ages. If you are an adult person it does not matter who you are (a man or a woman), it affects these two genders equally. Speaking about teenagers it is important to note that boys are affected somewhat more often than young ladies.
As you might know psoriasis has several forms and pustular psoriasis is an uncommon form of it.
Pustular psoriasis or it also can be called as exudative psoriasis is the most severe form of psoriasis of the skin. It looks like raised above the surface on the healthy skin vesicles or blisters which are filled with uninfected, transparent inflammatory exadate (pustules). The skin above and below the surface of the pustules and around them is red hot, swollen, inflamed and thickened, it is easy to peel. There may be a secondary infection with pustules; in this case the exudate takes a purulent character.
Pustular psoriasis may also be limited and have a specific localization. Its most frequent place localization is the distal ends of the limbs (arms and legs) i. e. lower leg and forearm. This type is called pamoplantar pustulosis. In other more severe cases of pustular psoriasis may be generalized. In this case pustules are widely spread all over the surface of the body and have their tendency of amalgamation into larger pustules.
Depending on the symptoms the pustular psoriasis can be divided into several types: acute, chronic and subacute. If the symptoms are sudden and severe it indicates the acute type. If the symptoms are of a long term it means only chronic type. But if you find the symptom somewhere between these two types it can point you only on the subacute type.

 Causes of pustular psoriases

We would like to distinguish seven causes: 1 – taking systemic steroids, 2 – drugs, 3 – infections, 4 – sunlight or phototherapy, 5 – cholestatic jaundice, 6 – pregnancy, 7 – hypocalcemia. Among drugs we can list several names: iodine, a topical antiseptic, salicylates (salicylic acid id often used in treatment for fever or pain), antidepressants, lithium, antibiotic and some other.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Psoriasis Diet | Home Remedies For Psoriasis

Psoriasis Diet

Make Your Psoriasis Diet Efficient
Psoriasis Diet
Everything that people eat or drink turns to be either a cure or a poison. It becomes especially clear when we deal with people suffering from a disease. Dietary cure is widely used nowadays and it can actually be applied to psoriasis treatment as well.
So, what an efficient psoriasis diet looks like?
First of all it is highly recommended to exclude any products containing gluten.
One of the main functions of this component consists in protein accumulation and it may be found in cereals, mainly in oats, rye, barley or wheat. Some people may develop an immune response to gluten components, caused by certain antibodies. This can lead to a severe disorder, called celiac disease. The symptoms include chronic fatigue, diarrhea, loss of weight, skin eruption, anemia, mouth ulcers, abdominal pain and distension etc. As for skin eruption, the appearance of pustules, caused by antibodies activity, can bring considerable physical and psychological inconvenience. This include severe itch and pain that may prevent the patient from the ability to go in for some kinds of sports, find appropriate job, communicate with other people smoothly and perform other social functions to the full extent. In spite of the fact that there is not so much data available now, several researches show that going on a steady psoriasis diet helps to improve the general condition of patients.

On their way to reveal the nature of psoriasis scientists faced a lot of difficulties and often chose the wrong path in researches. For instance, one of such delusions consisted in the idea that fish oil can be helpful in psoriasis treatment. This suggestion is generally based on the idea that the native people of Greenland experience psoriasis-like diseases quite seldom due to the abundant adding of fish oil to foods.
It was also said to be helpful with inflammatory diseases such as arthritis. And definitely the fact that migration to the Southern territories had made Eskimos consume more meat food, which resulted in the frequent development of the above-mentioned diseases, also seemed to proof the benefits of such psoriasis diet.
In fact, the researchers had failed to notice one essential condition that could make these dietary measures effective. Actually it is the key condition so long as it deals with genetics. Nothing but the genetic peculiarities allowed Eskimos to develop the essential resistance to psoriasis. Nowadays it is still impossible to change the genetic code in order to create the ultimate protection from diseases. So, there is no good in trying to treat people of psoriasis with the help of fish oil in case no genetic support is expected.

Still it doesn’t mean that there are no treatment options for psoriasis concerning eating patterns.
A well-balanced psoriasis diet may comprise the following patterns:
1) restricted use of proteins;
2) abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables, especially carrots and tomatoes;
3) no red meat;
4) no pasteurized, sterilized, canned and other processed foods.
Actually not only healthy eating, but improvement of lifestyle habits – restriction from smoking and alcohol, sound sleep and physical exercises may relieve the symptoms largely. But not until all the recommendations are being strictly followed will the positive changes occur.
However the presence of special anti-bodies remains an indispensable condition for the successful treatment via psoriasis diet. Thus it may be recommended to undergo a medical examination before starting up treatment.

Psoriasis home remedies

Psoriasis is a very unpleasant and sometimes painful disease. There is still no cure that will help to get rid completely from it. But there are many treatments, which can relieve the symptoms of the illness and can be used even at home. Much of psoriasis home remedies are very simple and don’t require much money and time.
One of the psoriasis home remedies is a constant bath taking. The doctors claim that shower or baths are very useful psoriasis home remedies. The psoriasis dries a skin too much and then there appear a lot of scales. So it is the main reason why bathes help to treat this problem. The most useful are bathes with the adding of a sea salt. The Epson salt also has an unbelievably good effect and helps to solve the problems with the skin quickly. The attention in the first turn must be paid to the temperature of the water. It must be not hot and not cold, because such water can bring negative results of cure. It will be better to use the tepid water.
Other psoriasis home remedies are different natural oils or natural lotions. It will be much better to use them at once after the shower or the bath. They can be bought in the shop or drugstores. It is also possible to do them at home. For achieving this result, it is necessary just to mix olive oil with the calendula. The moistures of the skin will be blocked with the help of the lotions and oils. That’s why the skin won’t dry so quickly.
Another treatment is a constant swimming in the ocean or in the sea. The natural salt water will be very useful for the ill skin. It is also strongly recommended to spend much time on the sunlight, because it helps to heal the skin, damaged with the psoriasis. The best treatment must include constant sun and water baths. It is a rather simple, but efficient treatment, especial for that people, who live in the warm climate.
Very popular psoriasis home remedies are the baths with the apple cider. It is also a very simple treatment. This cure has been well-known for a very long time. This remedy heals the skin very effective. By the way, it helps to clean the skin from the infection, which is a necessary condition for the effective recovering. Many patients consider the baths with the apple cider to be the best psoriasis home remedies.
For the best treatment it is necessary to clean not only the skin but the body too. In this situation the best psoriasis home remedies will be the using of the fish oils. Omega-3 fatty acid is very important for the health of all people. The fish fat can be also rubbed into the skin of the patient. It will be also very useful to it more fish.